
Brenda Stanton

Brenda Stanton is a certified life coach, teacher, writer, and founder of the Claim Your Worth!® community, philosophy and teachings. Through her transformative creative life and business coaching programs, products, and events – Brenda helps her clients and audiences become aware of the root causes of their sabotaging hold-backs and teaches them how-to turn these limits into immense clarity, courage, confidence and purpose. Utilizing a variety of practical tools and transformational approaches, Brenda teaches others how-to morph into your most gorgeous, vibrant, radiant, Self in work, life and relationships. As a former "corporate burn-out", Brenda understands what it feels like to crave "something more" and specializes in helping others find this balance so they can live more creative, meaningful, worthy life-styles.
To learn more about Brenda visit her at www.brendastanton.com.